
Please keep in mind the following important information for your high school students.

1. School Year:

The school year starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. Enrollment is open year-round. Transfers are also accepted throughout the school year.

Most students enroll in July and August. Please note that the Home School Legal Defense Association highly recommends students enroll no later than when local area schools open, usually in August.
2. Enrollment:

The registration process starts when the parents (or legal guardian) submits the enrollment forms and the required fees.
3. Start Date:

The student's enrollment at Aaron Academy begins on the date he/she registers with Aaron Academy.

Example: Student starts his or her studies in August but does not register with Aaron Academy until the following January. The school days between August and January will not be counted as school days at Aaron Academy.
4. Attendance:

The Tennessee Department of Education requires a minimum of 6.5 instructional hours a day for 180 days per year starting July 1st.
5. Curriculum List:

Parents are required to submit the Curriculum Report Form within 30 days of enrollment.

It will list the curriculum used by the student in each subject where applicable.

Aaron Academy recommends that parents consider the many excellent Christian resources available for home educators. Still, it's the parents' decision what materials the students use for their academic subjects.
6. Credits Worksheet:

It is very important to review our requirements for graduation.

The credits worksheet will help the student see their current credit status as well as the credits pending to be completed. Your student can follow the college prep path or the general path.

Students may not earn more than 9 high school credits per school year. If more credits might be earned, please call the school office for more information.

For courses not requiring a text book (physical education, community service, etc.), 75 hours of work or participation constitute a half credit, and 150 hours constitute one full credit.
7. Semester Reports:

Parents will be required to maintain attendance and grades and submit this information at the end of each semester.

The first semester reports are usually due at the end of January, and second semester reports are due in mid-July (see posted reports for exact dates).

If a student transfers out during the middle of the semester, these reports must be submitted immediately to allow our office to update the student’s file.
8. Grading Scale:
A = 94 - 100
C = 77 - 86
B = 87 - 93
D = 70 - 76
9. Testing:

High School testing is required to graduate from Aaron Academy. Please see our online testing page for more information.
10. Honor Program:

We offer an honor program based on academics, character, service, and leadership. See our honor program section for more information.
11. Dual Enrollment:

Many community colleges and universities offer dual enrollment classes for high school junior and senior students.

Our records office can help you fill out the necessary paperwork supplied by these institutions. Note: the college will also require an official transcript from our office (fees apply).
12. Diplomas:

High School diplomas, for those students who have completed all the requirements, are issued at the end of the second semester.

Students who participate in our end-of-school-year Graduation Ceremony receive their diplomas during this event. Please note: Grade Reports for graduating students will not be accepted after July 31st.

Aaron Academy does NOT offer early graduation. Special circumstances will be reviewed and addressed on an individual basis (extra fees may be incurred).

If you are interested in having your senior student participate in our cap and gown graduation ceremony at the end of the school year, please submit for registration before our deadline, usually in February of the school year.
13. Transcripts:

You can request official transcripts for college applications. Use our request form for your student's needs.

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