
Please note:

1These reports cover the second semester of the school year (January thru June).
2Submit one report for each student.
3Reports are due on or before July 12th.
4You have the option of printing copies when submitting reports from a desktop computer.
5Please allow our office three to five business days to process your reports.
6For first semester reports see below.

Kinder thru 8th Grade Students:

1Please include attendance and grades.
2Submit one report for each student.
3Please let us know if there have been any changes (address, email, phone numbers) so we can update your student's files.
High School Grade Students:

1Please include attendance and grades.
2Submit one report for each student.
3Please let us know if there have been any changes (address, email, phone numbers) so we can update your student's files.

First Semester Reports:

1First semester reports are available separately.
2You will need to complete all the second semester reports first to access the first semester reports section.
3If you are looking to submit first semester reports only, please use the link below.
4First semester reports were due January 25 and are now late. Please know that late fees apply.

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