
Parents are free to choose the study materials that best fit their student's learning style.

Parents are free to choose
the study materials that best fit
their student's learning style.

Home Education Curriculum:

Fortunately for home educators, there is a wide variety of excellent materials to help you educate your students.

There are Christian colleges that produce great products, and many well-established home school vendors offer materials in extensive areas of study.

The fact is that home educators truly have educational choices and are able to research and find what works best for each student, allowing for their individual learning abilities.

Credits / Subjects:

Our list of minimum required credits for high school graduation:


Our list of subjects for the younger students:


Why we suggest Christian materials:

Some of the best home education materials today are produced by Christian colleges and Christian publishers.

There are also many Christian scholars that produce educational products that have proven themselves over time.

Of course, you will also find other recognized classic work that makes for a well-rounded and expansive education.

Please find below some of the more popular homeschool booksellers nationwide.

Note: parents are not required to purchase any curriculum materials from Aaron Academy in order to enroll.


Parents are required to submit a list of courses that each student will follow for study during the school year.


High School Transcripts:

Our Records office works with the most popular curriculum packages available to help with your student's transcript including:

» ABeka
» Alpha Omega
» AO Lifepacs
» Apologia Science
» Beautiful Feet
» Bob Jones
» Classical Conversations
» Landmark
» Notgrass History
» Rod and Staff
» Saxon Math
» Sonlight
» Teaching Texbooks
» Time 4 Learning
» And many more.

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